In bookstores November 2007

Greater Good Books




Sneak Peek

The Greater Good: Life Lessons From Hawaii’s Leaders brings prominent personalities – from military leaders like admirals RJ Zlatoper and Thomas Fargo, to powerhouse female figures like Connie Lau and Edgy Lee, and prodigious entrepreneurs like Duane Kurisu and Lincoln Jacobe – closer to readers in 220 pages of stories, anecdotes and quotes.

Take a peek inside The Greater Good: Life Lessons From Hawaii’s Leaders.


From one of our readers:

Hi Evan & Kari,

I want to say thank you for a copy of your new book, The Greater Good. It is a very, very inspirational book. I have read several books in the past 5 years from leadership, management, and just learning to be a better person, and your book is by far one of my favorite books. I am reading it on my 2nd pass and I have been reading it each morning for the past two weeks. I do have my favorite stories. The best thing that I learned is that it has inspired me to give back to the community and to be more involved. I do have a regular job and run a couple of small businesses myself, but it has inspired me to be proactive in helping the people of Hawaii and giving back. Personally, this is one book that I would recommend people to read, especially the next generation because there are many life lessons that we can learn and we can pass on for generations to come. I just wanted to let you both know a job well done to the book and all those who contributed their time to make this happen.

Take care,
Richard Cambe
